First time up my mast, having been winched up by Lionel, aided by Savannagh. Cool up here, but the winching almost gave him a heart attack; some new plan is called for. 100 0064 This time, I've hauled myself up, using a block and tackle.  Doable, but VERY tiring, even though I use a 6:1 purchase.  I think the friction of the small pulleys is an issue. Solution?  Make my own blocks, and make BIG sheaves.  These are 6" in diameter. Assembled.  The left block gets hauled to the top of the mast with a halyard, the right gets clipped to me.
For comparison, the existing darned expensive blocks I have been using. Front side.  Might need to look at the block on the left. Somehow I have to figure out how to get another pulley up here. I wonder what's under that little plate under the light ...